Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So one more thing before I sign off for the night... Evan and I decided to take Iz to the dog walk one more time for the night and were gone for maybe 12 minutes. Upon our return, there were a gaggle of kids in front of our RV watching Cam and Mike play swing ball (aahhh, Avalon). It's like Teen Night at the YMCA, only there's no texting going on.

And this is probably to our neighbor's dismay as they have just started their feature film for the night on a FULL SCREEN that those miles away can see and hear! What are they watching, you ask? RV, of course!

You all know this is what you were waiting to hear...



  1. The picture of the kids on the Sandspit is absolutely the best. I didn't realize Sophie could open her mouth so high! I'm in, sign me up, RV baby here I come. You guys look like you are having the time of your lives. All smiles and experiences. Where are we going next year I'll start planning. Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Scarsdale? You name it.

  2. And one more thing, are you guys travelling with your own professional photographer?

  3. the faces on sophie and michael on the ride show pure enjoyment!! I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO SIT ON A SWING AT THE BAR...hopefully i wouldn't fall off
    -uncle larry

  4. Did Izzy meet any doggies to bark the breeze with? Looking good,you guys. You should start your own reality show,really!!!

    Cousin Carol
