Sunday, July 5, 2009

RV Park Update

It seems to have cleared out today. The friends Sophie made are gone and all that is left is Unlce Ron (I know, I know) and Jon the fiddler player. A few NY license plates but not the New York we know and love...

Michael is enjoying yet another of the Condron's movies - Poppy wish you were here - I think it's the Naked Gun 33 and a third, while Sophie has gone fishing and Cam and Evan tend the fire.

Thanks for all the comments - we love reading them! This is truly a great time and I hope we can convince even just one of you to try it some day...


  1. If it was just "one" of me it would be fine - it's when I include the family that i get the shivers! Otherwise I'd be all for it!

  2. Audrey says hi to Sophie and to say that Audrey was (miraculously!) moved into Sophie's group at Rye Rec camp. We are loving the blog, we are a bit jealous after all!!

  3. OK so now I'm officially jealous, it looks like the best family vacation EVER! Please start taking pictures of the arguements and quarrels so I can feel better about myself. What's that? Your not arguing nor quarreling. It is that perfect, damn... I mean WOW that's great I'm really happy for you guys..Hannah let's go rent an RV and while were at it let's rent a really cool family.

  4. Just checking in before I start my day. Wondering if Gail has gotten behind the wheel of the Beast! Have fun on the second leg of your trip.
