Monday, June 29, 2009

Countdown - T minus 1 day

One day from the start of the Kamer classic family trip.

RV Confirmed - check
Camping equipment - check
Bikes - check
Books, games, DVDs, - check
Food - Check
Wine/beer - Check
Dog stuff -check

Still need to pack clothes but there is always the L.L. Bean in Freeport for whatever we forget.

I can't stop thinking of lobster, blueberries, PE mussels and Digby scallops. Is that bad?



  1. You guys are the coolest!! How fun is this? Have a GREAT time. We'll look forward to your ongoing posts!!
    Keep on truckin'
    Love, Corina, Ivor, Owen and Nikolas!!

  2. Yeah Kamer family! Have a blast!!!


  3. The make or break or potentially both vacation. This will be the trip that the kids will always remember. "Remember the night Dad spent in jail in Maine!" "Remember when Mom drove into the ditch and the really insulting comment the tow truck driver made about her?" "Remember the night that Izzy ate all the left over Tacos and then decorated Cameron's bed?" Oh yes the memories of this forthcoming trip will be future foder for decades to come. Best of luck (you'll need it) and have a memorable time!

    Brother, Brother-in-law, and Uncle David

  4. Tips for your Trip from the Bradley's:
    Take some rope and pegs to dry your towels; or even an airer; definitely take movies; repellant and citronella candles; playing cards, uno, skipbo; vino/beer (top of the list); gps (it saved us arguing); list of targets/supermarkets on the way; no mirrors, make-up; take dark towels and waterproof shoes/flipflops!!! could go on; but you probably wont have room!! Have a great time, we will be thinking of you. Liz, Si, Megz, Matt & Ellie /x

  5. Have a great time! We look forward to all the pictures and adventures along the way!
    the Vavasour's
